Works For Me Wednesday – Cleaning Windows/Mirrors

July 25, 2006 at 10:10 pm (Works For Me Wednesday)

It’s another edition of Shannon’s Works-For-Me Wednesday. Head over to her blog for links to a ton of ideas. The list usually hits well over 100 participants by the end of the day.

My tip for this week is for cleaning windows and mirrors. I grew weary of the generic window cleaners leaving my bathroom mirrors all streaky no matter how hard I tried to shine them up. So I’ve started using vinegar. I put about 1/4 c. vinegar (which is super cheap) in a spray bottle and fill the rest with water.

Next, instead of a rag, use crumpled up newspaper. Very shiny. Works great on windows too. I had actually forgotten this but when my friend and I used to wash cars at my grandma’s retirement community every weekend it was great to just use newspaper. Your hands do get a little messy with the newsprint so I usually do the mirror before I clean the sink.

Works for me!

P.S. Don’t forget that Friday is BooMama’s Bloggy Tour of Homes.


  1. PastorMac's Ann said,

    How did you know that I needed to clean my windows!?

    Thanks for the tip.

  2. Mieneke said,

    I made the mistake of cleaning the inside of my car windscreen with Windex….. (I know….)
    And now I get to see lovely streaks every time the sun shines! 😦

    I am going to try your idea tonight! Thanks!

  3. Janice said,

    i have heard of this newspaper trick – but it just seems so odd to me. how is it not leaving ink on the mirror? it is so strange – i will ahve to try it sometime

  4. Katrina said,

    I’ll have to give this a try… when I finally get around to cleaning my windows! Thanks for posting this tip.

  5. Dianne said,

    My gram used to do this. I’ll have to give it a try.

  6. MamaDuck said,

    What a great idea. Now if I could keep the baby from putting his paws all over them every two minutes…. thanks for the reminder about Friday too, I need to clean my house!

  7. Faith said,

    Great idea! I had forgotten about the newspaper trick. Thanks for the reminder!

  8. Stacey said,

    I had heard that you could use newspaper but it seems so strange. I’m going to have to give it a try. Plus, I like the vinegar idea.

    Very smart!!

  9. Kristina said,

    Thank you for the great tip!

  10. Jojo said,

    🙂 I learned this in college when I cleaned house for an old lady at the church I went to. Loved it!

  11. Michael said,

    We recommend a solution of half vinegar and half warm water, but using newspaper, which is dirty seems to defeat the purpose in my opinion. A squeegee is a great tool to use too. Here are some of our window cleaning tips:

  12. WFMW: Buttermilk Substitute said,

    […] turns out great). I use vinegar because I always have a huge jug around since I also use it for cleaning. Filed Under: Works For Me […]

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